I'm a Caregiver
I'm looking to adopt
Indigenous Supports
Widening the Circle of Support
We provide pre- and post-adoption support services, as well as support for all forms of permanency including legal guardianship, Person of Sufficient Interest (PSI), and kinship care.
Caregivers & Parents
If you are a parent or caregiver in need of support, you are not alone. We offer supports and programs to permanent and adoptive families.
Looking to Adopt
Are you exploring your options or ready to start the adoption process? We can help!
Birth Parent Support
Support and guidance for birth parents making an adoption plan or looking to reunite.
Those who have been adopted can access support, education and reunification information.
Indigenous Resources
Tailored support and resource for Indigenous families and those parenting Indigenous children.
Resources & Education
Resources & referrals for all people at all stages of the adoption process.
Embracing Permanency and Kinship
Honouring Our Commitment to Reconciliation
As an organization working to bring families together, we recognize that we work in a context marked by colonialism and systemic forces that broke apart families for generations. The very term “adoption” for some symbolizes a fracturing of the family unit. We want to be mindful of all the painful impacts of colonization and support Indigenous families without re-opening wounds or imposing one way of thinking about what’s best for the child.
By reframing our work around permanent families instead of adoption, we aim to show the widening of our model and an expanded vision for what child-centred care can look like. Part of walking the walk of reconciliation for us is about honouring and supporting kinship relationships and permanency in its many forms.
Upcoming Events
Métis Storytelling
How Indigenous Identity Supports Mental Health
Traditional Adoption/Kinship Panel
News & Updates
Shifting Paradigms
Considerations in Adoption
Adoption can be an exciting, meaningful experience, but it can also be a complicated process with many challenges through life stages. It is essential to take the time to explore the reality of this decision before following through.
Explore our resources and educational supports:
Cultural Awareness
Fostering your child's cultural identity is imperitive in building a positive sense of identity and well-being.
Attachment and Bonding
These are important topics when discussing adoption placements. Many children who are eligible for adoption through the domestic adoption program have experienced trauma.
What is adoption?
Adoption is the process through which a child becomes a legal, permanent part of a family through the application and approval of parental guardians.
Who can adopt a child or children?
- The applicant must be at least 18 years of age or over
- Single, married or common law with or without bio-children
- Any race or ethnicity
- Any gender identity or background
What are some of the requirements?
The applicant must be willing to:
- Participate in the DAO (Domestic Adoption Orientation) through The Evermore Centre
- Participate in PRIDE training (Parent Resource for Information Development & Education
- Participate in the MFA (Mutual Family Assessment/Home Study) process with a Ministry Adoption Worker
- Provide a current Criminal Record and Child Welfare Background check
- Provide basic needs and necessities to a child
How long does the adoption process take?
The length of time it takes to adopt a child varies and depends on a wide variety of factors. Applicants who are willing to support older children, sibling groups, or children with complex needs will be prioritized. First Nations and Métis families interested in adoption are prioritized as there is an ongoing need for Indigenous and Métis resource families.
What is the cost of adopting?
Domestic (Saskatchewan) adoptions are funded through the provincial government Ministry of Social Services. However, there are some small fees along the way, such as the fee for the Domestic Adoption Orientation (DAO) program we provide at The Evermore Centre.
Independent and international adoptions are not funded through the Ministry. Independent adoptions will incur Home study/PRIDE training and legal fees. In addition to the above, international adoptions will also incur costs such as agency fees, travel fees, immigration fees etc.
Who oversees all adoptions in Saskatchewan?
What is the first step in applying to adopt a child in Saskatchewan?
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Your contribution allows us to continue offering support to families and children in transition.