Independent Adoption
Also known as "Private" adoption
Independent adoptions occur when birth and adoptive parents are known to each other prior to making an adoption plan. Typically it involves birth parents choosing an adoption plan together with friends, family or someone they know.
Independent adoptions have no formal program or process in Saskatchewan. In other words, you cannot plan in advance for an independent adoption. In Saskatchewan an independent adoption in is an adoption of “chance”. There are no private adoption agencies in Saskatchewan. It is important to note that one must be a resident of a province in order to apply with a private agency in that province. For example, to apply with a private agency in Alberta you must be a resident of Alberta.
The Government of Saskatchewan states:
In Saskatchewan, it is against the law to advertise that you wish to adopt or solicit an adoption plan with an expectant birth parent. This includes placing ads in newspapers, bulletins or on social media sites. As well, third-party individuals, including professionals like doctors, nurses, lawyers, pastors and teachers, may not arrange the placement of children for the purposes of adoption. This means they are not permitted to arrange for birth and prospective adoptive parents who are unknown to each other to meet and develop a plan for adoption. These activities carry penalties including fines and imprisonment.
If you are currently engaging or have engaged in an Independent/Private Adoption please request an E-package for more information and contact The Evermore Centre with any questions about Independent Adoption in Saskatchewan.
How it works
A Ministry-approved Independent Practitioner is hired by the adoptive family to complete a Mutual Family Assessment (MFA - or home study) and the family is required to partake in PRIDE training. A list of Independent Practitioners can be obtained through a lawyer or The Evermore Centre. A lawyer is retained by the adoptive family to assist with the court process.
To consent to the adoption, birth parents will complete the Certificate of Counselling with an MSS caseworker and are encouraged to meet with their own lawyer for independent legal advice (cost of which may be covered by the adoptive parents).
Note: In December 2017, the Saskatchewan government increased the number of days birth parents involved in a voluntary committal or private adoption to revoke adoption consent from 14 to 21 days (after the consents have been signed). Changes were made to the province's Adoption Act and Adoption Regulations.