Whether you're a parent, caregiver or health practitioner, you can help enrich a child's identity:

• Try to balance the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual dimensions of the child.
• Support the child to learn and maintain their traditional language.
• Provide regular opportunities for them to take part in traditional activities. Fish, gather berries, prepare and eat traditional foods together.
• Provide regular opportunities for them to take part in community events. Attend ceremonial and ritual events.
• Encourage meaningful interaction with Elders from their community. Children can learn respect and wisdom from Elders.
• Support them to learn traditional stories and legends.
• Provide them with books, videos, traditional games, dance and music that reinforce their traditional, family and daily life.
• Speak frankly to them about discrimination.
• Network with other Aboriginal parents, colleagues and Elders to share experiences and ideas. (Public Health Agency of Canada, 2023)
The Circle of Connectedness

Indigenous Medicine Wheel

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