by Programs | Aug 11, 2022 | Members only
A Lifebook is a chronological record of the child’s life story to help them learn and make sense of the past, how they transitioned to the present, and to better prepare them for the future. A Lifebook should explore the child’s history and story that begins...
by 5by5 Admin | Dec 6, 2021 | Members only, Uncategorized
In adoption, and indeed, throughout child welfare, we often talk about safety, permanency and well-being as three separate but equally desirable outcomes for the children we serve. Yet in truth, a child cannot grow and thrive, never mind survive the terrifying and...
by 5by5 Admin | Sep 14, 2021 | Uncategorized
Openness in adoption does not mean shared parenting. It is about maintaining positive, child-centred relationships. No matter where a child is adopted from, these relationships are part of a child’s identity. Open adoption allows you to know your child better...
by 5by5 Admin | Sep 14, 2021 | Uncategorized
Helping a foster or adopted child stay in contact with members of his birth family can be time-consuming and sometimes emotionally draining. Facilitated contact, however, can be valuable for children. Openness in adoption tends to provoke some worry and many questions...
by 5by5 Admin | Sep 14, 2021 | Uncategorized
What is Open Adoption? Openness in adoption is used to describe the ongoing relationship and contact between the biological family and/or significant people in a child’s life prior to their adoption and the adoptive family (including the child) after the adoptioniis...