by Programs | Feb 14, 2023 | Members only, Webinar
Join us for an honest and open discussion on fertility with Moonstone Fertility. Often couples who have chosen to grow their families through adoption have experienced infertility and are dealing with several emotions such as anger, loss, blame and guilt. This panel...
by Lorelei Neubauer | Jun 21, 2022 | Members only
The Evermore Centre has created a counselling resource list which includes free and paid counselling services across Saskatchewan for our member’s convenience. This list is a great starting point to explore adoption related counselling professionals and agencies...
by 5by5 Admin | Dec 6, 2021 | Members only, Uncategorized
In adoption, and indeed, throughout child welfare, we often talk about safety, permanency and well-being as three separate but equally desirable outcomes for the children we serve. Yet in truth, a child cannot grow and thrive, never mind survive the terrifying and...
by 5by5 Admin | Dec 6, 2021 | Members only, Uncategorized
Even if you know that your child has not been abused, there is information in this guide that is essential reading for all parents. The children who are most likely to become victims are kids who feel detached, alone, or isolated—all feelings that foster kids and...
by 5by5 Admin | Sep 14, 2021 | Uncategorized
The Seven Core Issues of Adoption is the first conceptual framework of its kind to offer a unifying lens that is inclusive of all individuals touched by the adoption experience.” ~Sharon Kaplan Roszia & Allison Davis Maxon. There are 7 core issues in adoption...