by 5by5 Admin | Dec 6, 2021 | Members only, Uncategorized
In adoption, and indeed, throughout child welfare, we often talk about safety, permanency and well-being as three separate but equally desirable outcomes for the children we serve. Yet in truth, a child cannot grow and thrive, never mind survive the terrifying and...
by 5by5 Admin | Sep 14, 2021 | Uncategorized
Openness in adoption does not mean shared parenting. It is about maintaining positive, child-centred relationships. No matter where a child is adopted from, these relationships are part of a child’s identity. Open adoption allows you to know your child better...
by 5by5 Admin | Sep 14, 2021 | Uncategorized
Openness in adoption is used to describe the ongoing relationship and contact between the biological family and/or significant people in a child’s life prior to their adoption and the adoptive family (including the child) after the adoption is finalized.
by 5by5 Admin | Sep 14, 2021 | Uncategorized
Helping a foster or adopted child stay in contact with members of his birth family can be time-consuming and sometimes emotionally draining. Facilitated contact, however, can be valuable for children. Openness in adoption tends to provoke some worry and many questions...
by 5by5 Admin | Sep 14, 2021 | Uncategorized
What is Open Adoption? Openness in adoption is used to describe the ongoing relationship and contact between the biological family and/or significant people in a child’s life prior to their adoption and the adoptive family (including the child) after the adoptioniis...