by Programs | Aug 11, 2022 | Members only
A Lifebook is a chronological record of the child’s life story to help them learn and make sense of the past, how they transitioned to the present, and to better prepare them for the future. A Lifebook should explore the child’s history and story that begins...
by 5by5 Admin | Dec 6, 2021 | Members only, Uncategorized
Everyone has trouble paying attention from time to time, especially during activities that are boring or not enjoyable. But for children and youth with ADHD/ADD, the problems with paying attention and getting distracted are so severe that youth can have problems with...
by 5by5 Admin | Dec 6, 2021 | Members only, Uncategorized
Even if you know that your child has not been abused, there is information in this guide that is essential reading for all parents. The children who are most likely to become victims are kids who feel detached, alone, or isolated—all feelings that foster kids and...
by 5by5 Admin | Sep 14, 2021 | Uncategorized
Openness in adoption does not mean shared parenting. It is about maintaining positive, child-centred relationships. No matter where a child is adopted from, these relationships are part of a child’s identity. Open adoption allows you to know your child better...
by 5by5 Admin | Sep 14, 2021 | Uncategorized
Openness in adoption is used to describe the ongoing relationship and contact between the biological family and/or significant people in a child’s life prior to their adoption and the adoptive family (including the child) after the adoption is finalized.