YANA Saskatoon

YANA Saskatoon

Y.A.N.A is a Saskatoon based support group that meets once a month with others currently living with infertility. We provide a safe place to share your journey with others who get what you’re going through.Struggles with fertility and the grief and loss that...
Brain Development and Trauma Recovery

Brain Development and Trauma Recovery

Sometimes teens struggle with the question, “Who am I?”. This process is called Identity Formation. Finding the answer often involves figuring out how they are similar to, and different from their parents. This task can be complicated for children/youth who have both...
Parenting Your Adopted School-Age Child

Parenting Your Adopted School-Age Child

Once a child is 5 or 6 years old, the school environment plays a major role in their life. The child’s teachers and friends become a major source of the child’s interactions and relationships. As a parent you can recognize that many of the problems your child may...
Adoption Trauma

Adoption Trauma

Let’s be clear.. for the infant, child or teen, adoption is a traumatic experience. The trauma of forever losing one’s maternal and paternal family tree, lineage, cultural identity, genetic mirroring, relationships, siblings and other connections and will be...