Permanency includes a variety of care arrangements for children that can include adoption, kinship care, guardianship, PSI and is of paramount importance for children.
For over 30 years the Evermore Centre has been committed to providing support for our communities most vulnerable children and their families in order to make sure every child has stability, a sense of security and families are being supported.
As a non-profit community based organization, we rely on donations in order to provide quality programs that support and preserve families. This support is delivered in a variety of ways including:
- Building Healthy Families – Post Adoption and Permanency Support Group for parents who may be parenting children and are experiencing adoption and permanency related challenges
- Adoptee Support Group - Support group for adult adoptees who want to learn more about mental health, want to create connections in the community, and to find a support network to turn to when there are questions regarding the foster and adoption world.
- Workshops and Webinars – Adoption and permanency-based learning for those parenting, waiting to parent, professionals, adoptees and birthparents.
- Member Portal – The Member Portal with our organization enables us to deliver more valuable, high-quality information to each individual member and provides members with a centralized location to connect and communicate with each other.
- Carol Bothwell Library - An extensive Resource Centre which offers information on all aspects of adoption and permanency-related topics for adults, children, professionals and students.